
Although we live in a connected world, most classes in schools are expository, decontextualized and teacher-centered, which is very uninteresting for students. This scenario generates several impacts on Education, one of them is the influence on the high school dropout rates, which in Brazil, during Basic Education, is 43%.Brazil is in the 57th position in PISA reading evaluation, with little changes in the past 20 years,FazGame's purpose is to reverse this picture by motivating students to learn with an engaging tool.In a student-centered learning process, they create games, generate educational objects, learn curriculum content, and develop skills such as collaboration, logical thinking, and creativity. FazGame integrates curriculum of a new educational process that brings together the learning of curricular contents and skills of BNCC (Brazil new national curriculum) with focus on Portuguese Language (textual production), integrated with the development of 21st Century Skills.
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Hey there, my name is Alexandra and I am part of the Socialab team. Welcome to the Play Challenge! Please remember that you can modify anything on your application until September 23rd, when this stage closes. I am here to guide you through this process and help you build a better application. You must check the platform comments as well as the email you registered regularly, I will be reaching out via these outlets. If you need any technical support in the platform you can message: proyectos.colombia@socialab.com
hace 4 años

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abre el 21 de julio

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